Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What God can do with one couple

This couple was referred to at the meeting with Mike Warren. If you think that you are insignificant and God can't use you to promote Godly Marriage, Think Again. We all have different gifts/methods of inviting/promoting attendance at a Weekend Getaway. But, the end result is the same, Godly Marriages!!! Click the link above to access it. Again, please supply your thoughts/comments after watching the video.

I would like to end this post with a quote from Peter Zipp, "May God make it clear to you, what he wills for your life, marriage, and ministry to others!" Thanks for those words of encouragement, Peter.

1 comment:

  1. The Weekend To Getaway has been very beneficiary tool that saved our marriage.It taught us with Gods Grace how to have a great Marriages.My wife and i now with Gods help our called to work on promoting Godly Marriage. "Building Godly Marriages in Every Home we take to heart.It is very important for the mom and dad but for the Whole family.
