Saturday, July 31, 2010

Coming Soon to a Community/Business Near You

In the next several weeks, NW Iowa FamilyLife Team members will be putting up Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway posters. If you know of any businesses that would be willing to have posters on display for the Marriage Getaway in Sioux Falls, November 12-14, please respond to this site or let one of the team members know. You may also make suggestions on our Facebook page (find the link to the right under "Related Sites"). If you are a business person who would be willing to allow us to put up a poster, or posters, at your place of employment we would appreciate hearing from you too. We do have a number of places that we plan on hanging posters, but we would welcome ideas. Thank you for partnering with us in promoting Godly marriage.

1 comment:

  1. That will be a good night to spread the word about Weekend Getaway!
